Nuts and Allergy

Nuts and Allergy

Nuts and Allergy

Tree nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts are full of beneficial substances for good health. Despite this, tree nut allergies are a common food allergy in infants and children that can persist into adulthood. If you have an allergy to tree nuts, it is important you know how to manage it correctly.

What is a food allergy?

A food allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to an allergen (protein) in a food. If you have an allergy to tree nuts, your reaction is likely to occur soon after eating them and can rapidly progress. Food allergy is different to food intolerance. Food intolerance does not involve the immune system and reactions are often mild, occurring many hours after eating the food. It’s important to distinguish food intolerance from a food allergy. If you have food intolerance, you can usually eat small amounts of problem foods without a reaction as you can “tolerate” small quantities. By contrast, if you have a true food allergy, even a tiny amount of the food may trigger a serious reaction.

How common are allergies?

There is currently no published Australian data available on how many people have tree nut allergies but data from the United States and United Kingdom indicates that around 0.4 – 0.6% of the general population is allergic to at least one tree nut, that is 6 in every 1000 people. This compares to an estimated 0.6% – 0.7% of the population having a peanut allergy and a total of 1.1% being allergic to either peanuts and/or tree nuts.

How are tree nut allergies diagnosed

A skin prick test, or Radioallergosorbent test, conducted by an Immunologist are the most reliable tools to diagnose tree nut allergies. If you suspect you have a tree nut allergy, ask your doctor for a referral to an Immunologist.

What are the reactions of a nut allergy?

In people with nut allergies, common reactions include:

  • Swelling
  • Hives
  • Itching
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Cramps
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Light-headedness/fainting
  • Sweating

Most allergic reactions are not life threatening. Although severe allergies can cause anaphylaxis and may be fatal. Reactions usually appear immediately, although sometimes they can be delayed for a few hours. Those with severe allergies should keep an anaphylactic kit handy at all times. The most common kit, called EpiPen®contains a preloaded syringe of epinephrine (adrenaline). Ensure everyone close to a severe allergy sufferer knows how to use this kit. Parents can teach their allergic children to manage their health conditions by encouraging them to ask questions, read labels, and carry and administer medications. Children and teens with allergies need to feel comfortable and secure in their ability to make their own decisions about food.

What is the best treatment for a tree nut allergy?

If you have a known allergy to one type of nut, it is recommended that you avoid all nuts until carefully controlled and administered medical food challenge tests can determine if you are allergic to other nuts. You will require a definite diagnosis and a planned approach that avoids the allergic food. Consultation with an Immunologist and an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) who specialises in food allergy is recommended. Reading ingredient labels for all foods and cosmetics is also key. If unsure about the ingredients in a product, do not eat or use it until you have contacted the manufacturer.

Checklist for nut allergies - diagnosed the problem

  • Do you have eczema or asthma? You may be at higher risk of food allergies
  • Do you have suffer symptoms such as skin reactions or gut problems?
  • Avoid those foods which may be responsible for symptoms
  • Speak to your GP for referral to an Immunologist for skin prick tests to known allergens
  • Undertake medically supervised food challenge tests to assess the extent of our allergy and cross-reactivity between foods to reduce the risk of allergic reactions
  • Avoid those foods which you react to
  • If eating out, clarify ingredients in dishes with the chef or host
  • Make sure those close to you know of your condition
  • Carry an EpiPen®kit with you if there is a risk of severe anaphylaxis and make sure your family and friends know how to use it too.


This information was provided by Nuts For Life. Images and Videos were provided by Nuts For Life.Nuts for Life For further information on nuts and health, refer to or phone 02 8295 2300

Raw Nuts

Raw Walnuts (350g)
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Raw CPS Almonds (500g)
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Raw Brazil Nuts (500g)
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No. 1 Raw Mix (500g)
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Raw Cashews (500g)
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Raw Millionaires Mix (500g)
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Raw Pecans (400g)
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Raw Macadamias (500g)
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Raw Blanched Almonds (500g)
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Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Contact us and we'll be more than happy to provide you with the information you require to make decision about nuts in your diet. Additionally, we recommend enquiring with your General Practitioner, particularly when dealing with the addition of nuts to diet when treating specific health problems.

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